原系統識別號: epli2022-np-06401
標題: Let's have mutual cultural enrichment
報紙名稱: News straits time
其他題名: Celebrate anniversaries for right reasons West must talk to Muslims on equal terms Time for Asia to be given respect West must talk to Muslims on equal terms PM:Asia and West must meet
資料格式: 報紙
作者: Harun Hashim Farish A.Noor Ahmad A.Talib
關鍵詞: mutual cultural enrichment Dr. MAHATHIR Asian value Malay Asian
語言: 英文
出版地: 馬來西亞
出版年(西元): 1995-03-16,1995-03-18
全文: 全文瀏覽
檔案格式: pdf
補充說明: 提供者:陳鴻瑜;資料類別:儒家